E-Mart in Incheon

The first thing that Min Young's parents asked me was, 'What do you want to eat?'. I said, 'Korean food!' Korean parents are mostly if not are like that. Always asking what I want to eat..but I just want to diet? Isn't that too hard to ask? Hahaha..

I'm the type of person who is easily satisfied with something as simple as tteokpokki. I just want to stand at the road side stall and eat that. But..because it's almost 12 midnight, we decided to shop for the ingredients at E-Mart and cooked at home. E-Mart is just another supermarket like Home Plus or Lotte Mart in Korea.

I was lucky that they picked me up from the airport and I didn't worry whether I should take the airport limousine bus or subway to Seoul. Nevertheless, I realized that if you have passed the immigration and collected your luggage before 10.30pm, there are still airport limousine buses available to Seoul. I urged those with kids, family or large group and with heavy luggage to opt for this mode of transportation. Although subway is cheaper, you may have to transit stations and will be dead tired after the whole journey from Malaysia. Bear in mind that you would need almost 2 hours to reach Seoul by subway and you might want to escape the hassle altogether.

Banchan - side dishes sold cheaply.

The place is kinda empty as reaching midnight.

I was awed with the cheap price when Min Young hinted that because
drinking is a culture in Korea, hence the price. By the way, Min Young is currently
learning about F&B and wine so her interest was focused for this.

Paying with debit card which is kinda similar to Maybankard.

As now is autumn, so persimmon is abundant everywhere. Min Young likes
홍시  persimmon (ripe and oval size) like in the picture above while I like 
단감 (similar to tomato and as crunchy as apple)

We then dropped by to a cheap sashimi outlet near the house as they know that I love raw fish..hehe Japanese food is one of my faves. 

28,000 won for take away and 31,000 won for eat inside due to
the side dishes add on.

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Ke said…
tteokpokki yg tepi2 jln tu halal ke ??
bole mkn kan ??
Kak Mahh said…
Macam mall tempat kita hanya yang membezakannya cara operasi lebih maju
salam.. kak, nak tny, sia min young tu?? family angkat ke??

#ada idea x mcm mana nak cari or get adopted family kat sana?? i just thinks that its gonna be much easier for us rite?? any idea how to get close frens there since kiter pun x kenal diorang kan..
~hope u can reply to my phone nu..kamsahamnida