How to Go to Nami Island: By Subway

This post only covers transportation by subway and train to Nami Island.
There's another faster way now, by ITX train to Nami Island here.

More saving going through this route to Nami Island and another alternative if you couldn't get the shuttle bus from Tapgol Park.

Now, you need to take the train from Sangbong Station (Line 7 / Gyeongchun line / Jungang Line) to Gapyeong Station, Gyeongchun line (the nearest station to Nami Island).

1. Seoul Station to Gapyeong Station

Duration: 1 hour 44 minutes, 64.2km
Stop: 23 stations
T Money: 1,800 won
Cash: 1,900 won
Transfer: Hoegi Station, Line 1 and Sangbong Station (Jungang Line)
Route: Seoul Station, Line 1 --> Hoegi Station, Line 1 --> Sangbong Station (Jungang Line) -->Gapyeong Station (Gyeongchun Line)

2. Myeongdong Station to Gapyeong Station

Duration: 1 hour 42 minutes, 63.4km
Stop: 20 stations
T Money: 1,800 won
Cash: 1,900 won
Transfer: Dongdaemun History and Culture Park Station, Line 4, Wangshimni Station, Line 2 and Sangbong Station (Jungang Line)
Route: Myeongdong Station, Line 4--> Dongdaemun History and Culture Park Station, Line 4 --> Wangshimni Station, Line 2 --> Sangbong Station (Jungang Line) -->Gapyeong Station (Gyeongchun Line)

3. Anguk Station to Gapyeong Station

Duration: 1 hour 46 minutes, 62.3km
Stop: 21 stations
T Money: 1,800 won
Cash: 1,900 won
Transfer: Jongno-3-ga Station, Line 3, Hoegi Station, Line 1 and Sangbong Station (Jungang Line)
Route: Anguk Station, Line 3--> Jongno-3-ga Station, Line 3 --> Hoegi Station, Line 1 --> Sangbong Station (Jungang Line) -->Gapyeong Station (Gyeongchun Line)

4. Daehak-ro - Hyehwa Station to Gapyeong Station

Duration: 1 hour 43 minutes, 61.1km
Stop: 19 stations
T Money: 1,800 won
Cash: 1,900 won
Transfer: Dongdaemun Station, Line 4, Hoegi Station, Line 1 and Sangbong Station (Jungang Line)
Route: Hyehwa Station, Line 4--> Dongdaemun Station, Line 4 --> Hoegi Station, Line 1 --> Sangbong Station (Jungang Line) -->Gapyeong Station (Gyeongchun Line)

5. Gangnam Station to Gapyeong Station

Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes, 70.8km
Stop: 23 stations
T Money: 1,900 won
Cash: 2,000 won
Transfer: Konkuuk University Station, Line 7 and Sangbong Station (Jungang Line)
Route: Gangnam Station, Line 2--> Konkuk University Station, Line 7 --> Sangbong Station (Jungang Line) -->Gapyeong Station (Gyeongchun Line)

6. Hongdae / Hongik Station to Gapyeong Station

Duration: 1 hour 53 minutes, 69.4km
Stop: 27 stations
T Money: 1,800 won
Cash: 1,900 won
Transfer: Wangshimni Station, Line 2 and Sangbong Station (Jungang Line)
Route: Hongdae Station, Line 2--> Wangshimni Station, Line 2 --> Sangbong Station (Jungang Line) -->Gapyeong Station (Gyeongchun Line)

Total cost = 20,000 won
Subway/Train 2,000 won x 2 = 4,000 won
Taxi 4,000 won x 2 = 8,000 won (can split the fare with other members if going more than 1 person)
Ferry and Nami Island Admission = 8,000 won

By shuttle bus = 21,000 won

Not much difference if going alone though. I would rather take the bus. Less transit and less stress. ^^

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MasZuber said…

hi saya mastura. akan ke seoul frm 19th-28th Sept 2011. 9 malam di sana InshaAllah.

nak pendapat awak, rasanya hotel budget mana yang saya boleh duduk masa kat sana nanti?

ada hostel backpackers tak rasanya di sana?

jika ada, brapa normal rate di sana..?
Zarina BT2K said…
w'salam Mastura,

I have listed all the budget accommodation under the label of 'accommodation' on the left hand side of the blog. Please check that out.
kay said…
menarik ke kalau pegi ke nami dlm 13 march 2011 ni...

ramai cakap x menarik.. ye ke?
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Kay,
weather wise it is cold and view wise not really nice cause snow pun takde and gloomy je..if you still need to go on that date, make sure it is a sunny day..

yang pasti, masa autumn mmg cantik sangat!!
Nisa said…
Hi Zarina,

Nak tanya, boleh bli ticket direct from seoul station to gapyeong station ye? walaupun nanti kena tukar dari subway kpd train?
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Nisa,

From Seoul to Gapyeong tak pasti kalau ada 1 tiket je.
Tapi dari
Seoul Station*---> Sangbong Station# - guna T-Money just transfer subway.

Sangbong Station# ---->Gapyeong Station# - kena beli tket lain sebab dah guna train biasa.

---->Gapyeong Station#.
Kay said…
Hi Zarina,
I'm quite confused abt travelling to Nami Island, hope you can help me with it. Do we have to take subway and transfer to train to get there or can get there just by subway? =)
And can i check with you, do you think we get buy those banchan dishes from namdaemun market and bring it back to our country, will it spoilt on e way back?
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Kay,

There are a few options to go to Nami Island,
either by shuttle bus at Tapgol Park


by subway from Seoul station to Gapyeong station. After that you have to take a taxi to the Nami Island.
Azra said…
It's really easy to get to Nami Island nowadays...only too many transfers... but the good side is tak payah nak beli2 tiket lagik.. can use T-money... 'tap' skali mase kat your first station... 'tap' lagik skali mase nak kluar kat Gapyeong station...
mase pegi aritu, this was my route:

Myeongdong --> Dongdaemun History & Culture Park --> Wangsimni --> Sangbong --> Gapyeong ... took us about 2 hours to reach Gapyeong... had to wait for almost 20 minutes dekat Sangbong for the Gyeongchun Line punye train ...
AiNa~ said…
hi kak zarina, if i used this route to nami, i'll be paying 3600 (return subway+train), 8000 (return ferry), admission pulak mcm mane?
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Aina,
8,000 won ferry ride tu dah termasuk admission into the island.
Anonymous said…
tetiba konpius pulakkk...."Rapid Train to Sangbong at Gate 6-2"...station ni ada dlm subway map x? Line brape ni yea?
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Anonymous,
Sangbong train station ni ada dua - satu untuk subway, satu untuk rapid train. Dalam metro map akan nampak satu station je, tapi dia ada a few levels dalam same building yg separate subway and train.
Anonymous said… cmne nk ke Sangbong dari Cheongyannni?sy tgk dlm still confused...mcm x bertembung je 2 line ni...
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Anonymous,
actually sangbong dan cheongyanni ada train biasa (mcm KTM) dan subway (mcm LRT)

once, dah naik train biasa tak semestinya kena pegi sangbong. Sampai cheongyanni boleh keluar dari station train biasa dan ambil subway ke Seoul.

Actually susah nak explain bile tengok map..once you dah ada kat sana baru akan lebih clear ^^
ana said…
kalo dari myeongdong nak ke sangbong kena guna subway or train biasa?
ana said…
lupa plak, boleh tunjuk kan cara-cara macam mana nak pergi Everland tak?
Zarina BT2K said…
Salam Ana,

Myeongdong to Sangbong naik subway.

Ke everland, kena pergi Gangnam station, Line 2 (color hijau), keluar exit 10 and then naik bus no 5002 ke Everland
Noor said…
Hi Zarina, Hope can meet u up in Seoul this Nov. Noor stay nearby Hyewa U nyer backpackers. Laa nie br dpt post kat blog awak nie :p, Now can see at Seoul Metro Traffic Center map cam ader gapyeong station if wanna go Nami via subway or train. Is it the same or different ekk? And the fare is abt 1800/way to Gapyeong.But if from Hyewa hv to transfer at 3 station dongdaemun,Hoegi & Mangu..
Zarina BT2K said…
Salam Noor,

If from Hyewa Station to Gapyeong
You have to transit at dongdaemun , Hoegi station until Sangbong with subway.

After sangbong, go to train line in the same building to Gapyeong.

From Hyewa to Gapyeong takes about 1 hour 40 minutes, 19 station, 61.1km and 1,800 won with T-Money
Remi said…
Hi Zarina,

Been in and out of Korea with wife and 2 kids for the 6th time but somehow, we keep ditching Nami Island from our to do list.

Correct me if I am wrong:

From Myeong Dong, I need to take the Subway to Cheongyanni Station.

Transfer Cheongyanni Subway to Sangbong Train

Sangbong Station to Gapyeong Station.

Exit and take a cab to Nami Island.
Upon reaching I have to pay entrance fee of 8,000 KRW for ferry and entrance fee.

Is this correct?
Zarina BT2K said…
Salam Remi,

Please refer to

There are many ways to go to Gapyeong station
ana said…
dari Myeongdong station x blh trus ke Sangbong Station ke?
ana said…
dekat Gapyeong Station nie terus amik ferry pergi ke nami island ke?
Zarina BT2K said…
Dari gapyeong station amik teksi pegi jetty Nami Island
ana said…
thanks kak
Lely said…

confius.. seoul pass city plus bley gune for sume transportation kt kore kan?kalo gune korea pass jimat x?
Lely said…

confius.. seoul city pass plus boleh gune untuk sume transportation kan kt korea? if gune korea pass mane lebih jimat?
Lely said…

confius.. seoul city pass plus boleh gune untuk sume transportation kan kt korea? if gune korea pass mane lebih jimat?
Sarah Enterprise said…
Zarina. You buat guide service ke. Kami nak ke Korea dari 17 to 22 may 2012. If u are we are interested. Jalan kat Seoul no everland n keju
Zarina BT2K said…

I'm fully booked on those dates.
Please check with other tour guides as per T&C (go to most bottom)
Sin Yee said…
Hi, Zarina. Nice and helpful blog u have here. Good job!
I am a lil' confused on the transfer thingy. Do we have to tap on some kind of machine every time we transfer to another line? And when we say 'transfer', does that mean we switch from e.g. Line 7 coaches to Line 2 coaches?
Another thing is I saw JejuAir website. It seems like we can now book tickets in English. What do you think? Is it ok and secure?
Zarina BT2K said…
Shin Yee,

No need to tap many times like in Malaysia.

Once you tap from the first subway..then only tap again at your last destination station.

I'm not gonna vouch for the security of one website. As I know, glitches do happen but unlikely. Human's invention is not perfect. ^^
Anonymous said…
As salam Zarina
Saya nak pergi korea awl bln oktober ni. cuaca nnti dh sejuk ke tu?
eric said…
Hi ms zarina, good job on this blog.=)

We'll be going to korea this march 2013. And planning to go to nami, the subway/train route will be a bit hard for my mom since she can't walk too far and the stairs and transfers.

How long will it take from the shuttle bus terminal to the wharf? Can the shuttle bus accomodate my mom's wheelchair? We'll be staying at myeongdong. Also planning to ride a taxi to the pagoda/tapgol park for the shuttle bus. It leaves 9:30am, will it be ok if we book a day before, since we plan to go on our 2nd day ?
Anonymous said…
Salam zarina..
Saya bersama suami n ank akn ke Korea pd Bulan January 2013..saya nk tahu contact no utk menginap d budget house tu..boleh bntu saya
Saya nk stay yg berdekatan dgn subway..harap zarina dpt Bantu saya.terima kasih.