How to go to Nami Island

Official Website:
Transportation detail: Choose English > choose information > choose transportation

For those who are quite skeptical to go to Nami Island using public transportation due to various reasons like
-what if I miss the train station? (*this happened to me ^^ *)
-what if I don't know how to speak Korean? couldn't read the station name ladidadidu..
-what if I lost my way?
- and so many more of "what if"s if you're terrified that is..hehe..

Now..there are other options to go there.

1. By Shuttle Bus:
Take a tour bus from Insadong or Jamsil Station- Exit 4
Departure at 09.30am from Pagoda Park / Tapgol Park at Insadong
Departure at 04.00pm from Nami Island (parking lot at ticket office)

Roundtrip bus + ferry + admission - 23,000 won

Call Nami Island Seoul Center for reservation:  02-753-1247 (in Korea) or +82-2 -753-1247 (outside of Korea)

Note: Payment can be made only wired transfer, foreign credit card is NOT accepted.

Cash is only accepted on the bus; pay to the bus driver - but seats are based on first come first serve basis.

How to go to Tapgol Park/Pagoda Park at Insadong

Get off at Jongno 3(sam)-ga Station line 5,  Exit 5.  Walk towards Jonggak.

Check out KNTO for more info.

2. By Bus:
From Dong Seoul Bus Terminal / East Seoul Terminal ( 02-446-8000 (1h 20m)
First bus at 06:15, last bust at 22:00

Myeongdong to Gangbyeon Station (Dong Seoul Bus Terminal)
26 minutes, 11 stops, 11.2km
1,000 won with T-Money, 1,100 won with cash
Transit at Dongdaemun History and Culture Park Station

3. By Train:

Please check out How to go to Nami Island- Part 2
If you want to know more about Nami Island, check out Nami Island Seoul Center at Jongno-gu. Information by KNTO is here.

Compare the total fare if you take subway + train + taxi + ferry (admission) on your own to Nami Island in another post here.  

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alifah@along said…
wahhhhhhhhhhhh..byk info...thanks a lot!!
Zarina BT2K said…
ur welcome!
Ainee said…
Hi, I wonder if the 4pm departure from Nami Island is the only trip to go back to Seoul? I would like to take the return trip 23K but didn't really want to leave Nami Island as late as 4pm. I'm worried I'll get bored really quickly on the island. Are there anymore attractions for people like me who's not crazy about Winter Sonata?
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Fraulein,
There's so much to see and explore in Nami Island. The last time I went..I spent about 4 hours from 10am till 2pm but I could only explore half of the island!! ^^

You could always buy a one way bus ticket and take the normal train back to Seoul.
Ainee said…
Thanks. I'll try the option you suggested. :)
Muhamad Rafidi said…

I think there is a mistake on station name, it's Sanbong and not Seongbuk... please refer to my comment at forum cari...
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Ayaharif,

Thanks for correcting me.
It seems that KNTO have changed the station for the hallyu train from Seoul Station to Chuncheon Station instead.

As according to
ieja said…
Hi zarina, can i have ur email add as seems i couldnt locate it at ur profile..will be visiting korea by this May & got few Q to ask...tqq
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Ieja,
Very Useful and informative information! Great!
Thank youuu...
ad|nda said…
esok i dah nak gerak g Seoul.. ari ni baru terhegeh nak cari route.. btw.. tqvm yer.. :D
manifestasisanubari said…
npe org melayu je bnyk tgok website nh???
x phm lak aq...
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi PhantoMagic,
Maybe sebab org Melayu suke korea? ^^
Anonymous said…
i've been @nami island last winter tp dgn train (sbb shuttle bus tix abis).naik train best!frm myeondong to gapyeong train (2x transfer) tix around KRW1900.pastu amik cab mknanya rountrip KRW4400.oh..entrance fee+rountrip ferry KRW12400:) bg solo/budget traveler,rasanya bole la naik train tp bergantung mana yg selesa^^
Anonymous said…
AKu mau ke Seoul nih lusa, cuman agak keder dengan bahasanya. Kalau naik sub way, ada petunjuk bhs Inggris nggak? Soalnya aku bawa anak kecil, kalau nyasar nanti repot lg.

Tolong balasan di cc ke email ya. Thanks.

Anonymous said…
Saya nak tau d sana nnt bagaimana cara nye kita communicate dgn dorang..? speaking english ke or ape ye org2 kat sana... perlu ke kita tau serba sdikit bhasa dorang?
N...agak2 bnyk x blanja nye kalau nak ke sana.. Tq.. :)
Sue Abdullah said…
I need help here. First time nak gi Korea and I am lost...tak tau mana nak start. It be great help kalau ada yg boleh tolong share itinerary for sightseeing, makan, shopping, etc. Thank u in advance guys!
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Sue,
You can check the sample itinerary on the pages tab above the blog.
Neng_Nope said…
hai.. i'm planning to Seoul this October..
Right now, i'm planning to write down which place to go (travel itinerary) .
What i'm about to ask is.. Does this place open on Monday??.. how about Pettite France (since these two are close enough).. Does it open on Monday??
I'm asking cos as far as i googled so many tourism place in Korea that close on Monday..
Thank you for answering
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Neng_Nope,
Most tourist places close on Mondays. However, you should check the corresponding official websites of each places that you plan to visit ahead to be sure.

For Petite France,

you may call 1330 tt call center: +82-31-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese,Chinese) to confirm the operating days for the places
Anonymous said…
Hi Zarina,

Sila bantu saya.. kot2 saya silap paham..

Sabong Station tu kiranye ada Sabong Station (Subway Line 7) & Sabong Station (Train) kan?

Di mana bole saya cari Sabong Station (Train) utk ke Gapyeong Station (Train)?

Adakah tukar di dlm Sabong Station (Subway) tu jugak? Atau berada di luar?

Terima kasih.
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Anonymous,

Sangbong Station ada satu untuk subway, satu untuk train biasa. Untuk ke Gapyeong kena ambil train biasa, bukan subway.

Sama ada dia berada di luar subway station atau di dalam bangunan yg sama, you kena tanya dekat officer train.

cube check link ni
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the reply.

I did some research.. Sangbong Station (train) ke Gapyeong ada kt luar/atas Sangbong Station Line 7 ^^
Ain Mardhiah said…
pakai flying fox zip wire!! =)
eKa said…
veri informatif...teringin nak bape ye spend nak ke sana...signboard dia frendly tak...maksudnya dlm ensglish ke...sbb saya ni zero bhs korea
Zarina BT2K said…
mmg english friendly sebab ramai tourist datang sini.
jc said…
hi, Zarina

what if we go to nami island from incheon int'l airport? i read somewhere that it's only 45min by can we get from the airport to nami island? we plan to leave our stuff at the airport and just come back for it then proceed to seoul. would that be ok? I hope you can help.
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Jc,
I'm not too sure if by bus,
but by train, you will need about 3 hrs to reach Nami Island.

However, once you reach Incheon Airport, you may try asking the bus counter if they have any direct bus to Nami Island.
Anonymous said…
Hello Zarina,
just for an update; train to Nami Island from Cheongyanni - Chuncheon is no longer operating the last time I checked (31 OCt 2011). In oeration is Sabong station - Chuncheon (from line7)

Love your blog.
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for the info
Tuan Taip said…
Salam Zarina...
You mmg duduk sana ke? Student atau tugas? InsyaAllah akan ke sana December nanti. Terus nak main snow kalau ada dekat2 area yongpyong..
Ada tak info macam mana transport dari Incheon ke wilayah Yongpyong?

Thank you
Kak Nisa said…

Dear Sis Zarina,

I'm hardly confuse to go to Sangbong Station from Hongik University Station (line 2)...could you guide me?

Kak Nisa
Zarina BT2K said…
Salam Kak Nisa,

From Hongik Line 2, go to Wangshimni station Line 2.
Then change to Jungang Line for normal train to Sangbong Station and then change to Gyeongchun Line to Gapyeong Station
Kak Nisa said…
Salam again Zarina,

Kak Nisa quite kurang faham sket pasal lepas stop di Wangshimni line 2, perlu keluar exit yg mana ye? Lepas tu Jungang Line to dlm station tu jugak ke kena keluar dr wangshimni or jungang line tu sebelah2 dgn wangshimni station?

Sorry for interrupting Zarina yg sibuk dgn kelas...

Kak Nisa
Zarina BT2K said…
Salam Kak Nisa,

Boleh email saya kat zemoneko (at) gmail (dot) com
Kak Nisa said…
Salam Zarina,

Kak Nisa dah email kat awak...dpt x?

nIeTAluVcoKlaT said…
Salam zarina,
Saya akan ke seoul pd 5 feb 2012 ini, nak tanya...kat korea ni ade x mcm kat malaysia punye touch n go, pastu mcm mana nak beli, ade diskaun ke klu ade pass tu,
Tiket shuttle bus tu kene beli awal ke atau kite boleh just walk in, sbnrnye takot tiket abes bile dh smp kat stesen shutter insadong
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum Zarina...
Nak tanya, kalau saya menginap di Windroad and flower Guesthouse, iaitu kat Sungkyunkwan University x salah saya, mcm mner cara nak pergi ke Nami Island yer secara bajetnya?

Dan kalau saya bergerak bersama kumpulan seramai lbih kurang 20 org, ada cara x supaya kami dpt bergerak secara bersama? Tkut nnt ada yg terpisah plak, bas penuh ker..dsb
Kak Nisa said…
Salam Zarina,

Kak Nisa baru balik dr Seoul smlm 4Feb, mmg nak sgt jumpe awak..tapi masa mmg sgt pact...anyway...kak nisa guna tips awak untuk ke Nami dr Hongik..Wangsimni..Jungang Line & so on...mmg helpful sgt2...many thanks..tapi Nami mmg sgt sejuk banding dgn Seoul smpi -15...erkkk...Maybe InsyaAllah lain kali leh jumpe of luck untuk your korean class..

Kak Nisa
remooseyap said…
Hi Fraulein,

I'm leaving for Seoul on 14 Feb. I'm planning to go Nami Island. As mentioned in your in your blog that we could take a tour bus from Insadong. (Roundtrip bus + ferry + admission - 23,000 won) Where do i book for this? Can i book it on the spot or are there any english website that i could reserve my tour?

Call Nami Island Seoul Center for reservation: 02-753-1247. Do they entertain english speaking?

ILY said…
hai kak, nak tanye, kalau amek train, lepas tu naik taxi ke tempat ferri ke? how much eh?
Anonymous said…
Hi, kalau sy dari incheon airport ke dong seoul terminal macam mana sy nk pergi ? berapa tambang ?
ana said…
kat nami ada guest house x? cm mana nk book?
Unknown said…
boleh tak tolong email saya.
Macamana saya nk pergi.

terima kasih
Anonymous said…

I was thinking about going to Nami Island during chuseok. Will this be alright? As in, will places still be open and will all the transport be running as normal?

Thanks very much :)
Unknown said…
Hello. i just wanna ask if we took the shuttle bus it will direct us to Nami island ticket booth? then from there we will ride a ferry?
wizlet said…
Hi! Will it be better if we take the shuttle bus if there are 10 of us? or should we take the subway, how many people will fit in one taxi? thanks! :)
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi wizlet,

In terms of handling the people, it's better to take the bus but it is more expensive than the subway and you have to follow the bus schedule which I don't prefer because some people like and don't like Nami Island so they might want to spend more or less time in Nami Island.

4 people can fit a taxi.