Korean Grammar In Use - Book Order

As I will be going home - Malaysia on Monday, anyone interested to order?

One book +  CD + 10% surcharge + RM10 POS laju fee = RM80.
Last order by Saturday 12 noon GMT+8 (Malaysia time).
Please email me your details, which book you need and bank in the money to:
MAYBANK 1141 4203 6517

Book review is here.

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Naf said…
Hello! I am very interested. However, I'm in Singapore now so am unsure how to deposit the money into your bank account from here.
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Naf,
I'm afraid that I can only accept delivery within Malaysia.
You could actually buy the book via Gmarket and shipped to Singapore directly.
Kak Mahh said…
Bagusnya dapat pelbagaikan bahasa pertuturan.
julieMN said…
Hi Zarina,
I'm interested...the Beginners book pls...
If it's stil ok, I'll bank in the payment..
Just bumped in to your posting...

-juliana MN-
Zarina BT2K said…
please bank in the money now and send the proof of pmt, your phone number and address to my email.

I'm going out to buy the book later.
julieMN said…
Already made the payment nd emailed you the proof. Can u pls chek n confirm? Tqvm!
julieMN said…
Ok, already transferred, and emailed to you all the particulars too...
yands said…
hi zarina,
just want to know, if u watched the k-drama please take care of us captain, there's one small garden in the incheon int airport they did the film, it is accessible for public?
Zarina BT2K said…
yup, it is opened for public
Lil' Sue said…
Hi Zarina,

I am interested. I will be in KL from 1-4 March... I am flying back to Labuan on 4/3/2012. If can meet anywhere oso wud be nice....
Anonymous said…
Hi Zarina,

I've made the payment and e-mail you my details.
yands said…
hello again, thanks
which level exactly, will be lay for quite some time nxt month there, so i will explore the airport :) (didn't find the location on airport map)
naadianaa said…
Received my parcel today. Thnx a bunch Zarina!
salam kak...

aduhai,baru bukak blog akak arini...past few days,sy sibuk duk terjah mph,popular cari buku korean language..tapi takda...=( ada lebih tak?? hee kalau ada bitau sy eh..will be going to korea on sept..saja nak belajar sikit-sikit..^____^
Zarina BT2K said…
W'salam penunggang.bulan.putih,

takde lebih la dik..sory yer.