Request for Korean Stuff? Last Order by 17th August.

At Cheonggyecheon yesterday, dipping my sore feet.

Ramadan Mubarak everyone!

How's your Ramadan or your day has been going?
For me, Seoul has been very hot (surprisingly hotter than Malaysia!) and fasting has been very challenging plus the day is longer during summer. doesn't mean there's no fun exploring Korea during summer. I still feel that Korea is still amazing and beautiful regardless of any seasons.

Anyway, back to our topic.
I will be back for a week for Eidulfiltri.
In fact, will be going back to Malaysia on the morning of first day of Eidulfitri.

So, anyone would like to order any stuff from Korea?
I will take order latest by 1pm (Korea time) 15th August 2012 and any order after that will be ignored.
Please send me email at zemoneko at gmail dot com.


Another 13 days to go for Ramadan and counting the days to eat Ketupat and Rendang..ngehehe.

With Ayu in front of Cheonggyecheon's entrance.

Are these two kids praying after a hard hot day? ^^
At the fountain, in front of The Great General Lee Sun Sin's statue (Gwanghwamun Square).

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dzuchan said…
Hi..usually I am a silent reader..
but I really2 interested in "order stuff from korea"
can I order a 10,000 won bag..
but I how do I know the design & how can I pick-up my order

Anonymous said…
contoh barang kak?
farah liana said…
Salam kak..nak tnye kat sana produk shizens lg murah dr harga msia ke same je? :-)
fiqahlee88 said…
OMG akak,u look soo skinny! heor. I'm actually thinking of ordering some Etude House stuff..will you take that kinda order? >_<
Zarina BT2K said…

please please send me an email at zemoneko at gmail dot com

best regards
Jet said…
nak order Joowon boleh? hehehe. just kidding.
Anonymous said…
sy nak tanye..kimchi yang dijual kat 7eleven dalam paket in seoul halal ke tidak ye? :)kalau tak, kat mana sy boleh beli kimchi dalam paket yang halal? =)
SH Arts said…
Akak, 'order stuff from korea' ni xmo re-open ke? hihi
Zarina BT2K said…
Salam SH Arts,

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