Hallabong - Jeju tangerine

Our chartered taxi driver was very kind enough to drop us at one of the ubiquitous hallabong tangerine farms. It seemed that the farm owner was his relative and we were elated to enter into one of the green house. FYI, harvesting hallabong is done around January to early March; basically during winter as they are grown in a green house. If you visit Jeju Island during autumn and winter, you will definitely have the chance to try many types of tangerine. After picking tangerines in Seonam farm for a week,  it made me a bit sick of tangerines for a while now. Heheh..

"This is a type of tangerine with a protruding stem. Each weighing about 200~300 grams, the fruit is relatively large, and its sarcocarp is very sweet and soft. Hallabong is rarely the slightest bit sour, so it is liked by people of all ages. It is usually picked in November and December and stored for future sale. Winter and spring are the best seasons to buy it, and the prices vary depending on quality. A 3-kg box (7~8 fruits) is priced at 30,000~50,000 won." - KNTO

Hallabong is quite large compared to the other tangerines.

It still green and unripe. Shall I come to Jeju Island again in January
to pick them? ^^

We were given FREE hallabong and persimmons from the
farm but sad to say it here..that the hallabong was so sour!! 

The skin is thin like oranges.

The flesh reminds me of pomelo.

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cheap travel system said…
I never tasted hallabong yet,but want to taste it know,looking so juicy,hmm!
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Lily Riani said…
looks yummy, how much? lapr ler pulak...
Zarina BT2K said…
salam lily,
now is not the time for harvesting hallabong.If you buy it now it can be very expensive. Around 6,000 won a piece..in February it will be cheaper around 3,000 won a piece