Picture from Nongshim Ramen.
Min Young brought some ramen for me when she visited Malaysia, Shin Ramen products. But I couldn't eat it as I found there is 돈지(돼지고기) in the ingredient. I know what is 돼지고기 dwaejigogi - pork, but I don't know what is 돈지. So, I brought all the ramen and gave it to Yong Soo when we studied Korean. He told me that 돈지 is pork bone. I asked him whether I could eat Korean ramen at all and he said I'd better not as he is pretty sure that all type of ramen in Korea has traces of pork in it. Check the ingredient list here.
Picture from Nongshim Ramen
This is Bibimmyon. Like bibimbap but bap/밥 is rice and 면/myon is instant noodle. 비비다 / bibida means mix or rub together. So, naturally 비빔면 means mixed instant noodle. ^^ This one also has traces of pork in the seasoning/sauce although it is not stated in the web as in here but I found it behind the packaging.
Just fyi, if you could read the ingredient list, it stated 팜유(말레이시아산), 팜유 / pamyoo means palm oil and 말레이시아 / Malleisia is Malaysia. I guess 말레이시아산 means 말레이시아산업개발청 - Malaysia Industrial Development Authority?
Still I am truly supporting ur decision to return Korea for a new start.
Aja Aja, Fighting !!! :))
Just continue ur vegetarian food at Korea. (^___^)
akak, ada lg satu yg menjadi persoalan di sini ialah tteokbokki.
tteok tu diorg buat ada letak alcohol ke? sbb sy t'jumpa instant tteokbokki dkt jusco. dkt ingredient tteok ada tulis alcohol.
minta pendapat akak ^^
kalau jaja boleh snap pic ingredient tu, nanti boleh akak tolong cek kan.
saya nak tanya..i'll fly to seoul this becoming sept..time tu autumn kan?so xpyh nak bawak baju sejuk or whatsover kan?n one more thing, nak tuka duit dr myr-won, better tuka siap2 dr msia or kat sana?sbb waktu sy g india dulu, lbh untung if sy tuka dekat sana..tqvm for ur advice :)
tteok itself x de alcohol, but tteokbokki sauce is made with gojuchang, which most probably where the alcohol comes from.
Biasa akak tukar siap2 dekat Malaysia je, sebab dekat Korea akak pernah tukar duit korean won to USD sebab nak pegi Manila. Tak pernah pulak tukar duit RM ke won dkat sana.
To add up to Nabe's comment. Tteok is made from rice so no alcohol.
How the alcohol came about in Gochujang sauce? It's from fermentation process. Which we might not be able to know how much is the alcohol content.
Sama macam tapai or tempe yang kena ferment to get the result.
translation ingredients yg diorg lekat tu ada tulis alcohol kalau tak silap sy. nanti kalau b'kesempatan sy snap gambar.
ada lg satu kes, sy jumpa dkt isetan, chilli paste yang jual dlm tupperware merah brand apa entah, translation ingredients dia pun ada alcohol jugak.
sebab benda tu instant food ke, so diorg add in alcohol?
nway tq nabe and akak.
selamat hari raya!
thank you ^_^
boleh email akak - zemoneko at gmail dot com
just nak kongsi dgn akak latest pasal shin ramen nih. dkt pasaran Korea, dah ada Shin Ramen yang berlogo HALAL. tp br ada dkt supermarket yg bsr2 je, wallahu'alam. ada student Malaysia upload gambar dkt FB dia.
saya ada letak gambar tu dkt blog saya. kalau akak nak ambil letak dkt sini, lagi baik. at least sape2 yg nk cr dkt korea nnti senang lah ^^
- Jaja -
Nak tny kak Zarina, ada beza ke kalo kte replace chilli paste dgn chilli powder? Kalo chilli powder plak, halal tak?