First day in Korea 2011

Hi everyone,

With my little bro to LCCT airport. 

I'm blogging now from Min Young's home at approximately 6.15am. It should be 5.15am in Malaysia, right? I probably not wake up yet if I'm back home. The weather has been kind today and according to weather forecast it will be on average of the warmest 20 to the coolest 10 degrees Celsius. Isn't that nice? The last two years were not so this time around.

I haven't seen the autumn foliage yet as the arrival time with AirAsia flight D7 0504 reached Incheon at night but I was pleasantly surprised that we arrived earlier than scheduled. It was about half  past 9. Yeay!! AirAsia did it again. :)

I know..this picture is weird but still..hahaha. Sunset on Korea's sky.

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CIKU said…
i really enjoy ur blog..thanx a lot.nak pg lagi korea esp jeju in autumn..hehe
fiqahlee88 said…
xsabar2 nk g redah korea jugak nie xD
Unknown said…
salam zarina, actually found ur blog accidentally..psl skrg knun mo cr info for our trip to korea on 31 jan - 4 feb next yr. Blajar kat korea ka ni?..and flite airasia yg u naik ni depart on 1435?..klu ikut ETA sini 2155 - ni waktu Malaysia ka Korea ?..(Kali pertama ke Korea)..tq
eL_kZ said…
yay! saya pon mmg nk dalami lagi bhs korea..kena kumpul duit dulu. gud luck akak!
naadianaa said…
Have fun Zarina. I just came back from my backpacking trip 2 days ago. Ur blog gave me lots of information. Thnx!!
Zarina BT2K said…
Salam Faiz,

ETA 2155 adalah waktu Korea.
Saya belajar bahasa Korea di Sogang tapi cume start bulan December ni.
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Vynh,
How are you?
Still in Seoul? I will be going to Jeju Island tomorrow. It's kinda hectic I know. Hope to meet you soon ^^