Korean TOPIK Exam 22nd Edition

I'm back! ^^ I have braved the storm and it's time to lead a normal life again. Heh..

My point of view: The exam was hard. Period.

There were around 10 candidates taking the exam with me in UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) for intermediate level and all were ladies. Exam started from 9.00am for reading and writing section, break for half an hour between 10.30am to 11.00am and then continued with listening and comprehension for another an hour and a half.

Now, let's just wait for the result after 2 months shall we?

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hanie said…
wahh...envy u..haha
wish u all the best!! ^^

my korean still worst .. á…²_á…²
J'lyn said…
hi~ I also participated the test for beginner level~
Lovely Ayun said…
harap akak akan lulus dengan cemerlang.. InsyaAllah .. fighting!!
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi J'lyn,
I wish you the best! ^^
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Lovely Ayun,
Najid Nangin said…
im just wondering how are u so good in korean.. did u study by urself or went to specific language institution?? i really have the great passion towards hangul
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Najid,
I'm not good at all but I try to understand as much as possible during conversation.
I don't learn at any institution before but will be starting this Thursday at Sogang University
Najid Nangin said…
wow! that's great!
is there any advantages if i take TOPIK n score with an excellent result? u further ur study in korea? How? What course?
Zarina BT2K said…
Hi Najid,
TOPIK is just to know your proficiency in Korean through reading/grammar/vocabulary

there is no speaking test, so your fluency is not tested. T_T
Hence the reason I took Korean Language program in Sogang.